Soul Dance
There is a place deep within me that knows all there is to know. That place is accessed though willingness. I have been moving throughout the universe connecting with all that is true. When all is at rest many things are learned. Quiet the body and listen to the hum lum sum tum aum. The universal sound that surrounds this planet. Oh to be young, but young means mistakes that has gotten us in trouble. Now that I am old I know better to love, hug, laugh. Dance till I feel movement that stirs great freedom from pain. Just to move with the whim of my fancy. My soul knows how to dance the great dance.
As soon as you love and trust yourself, you will know without doubt how to live.
Mother Earth Request
Thousands around the world are taking part in the 11-11 meditation for 11 days. Sending their love, light and positive intentions into the universe in an effort to reharmonize the world-wide energy streams to affect positive change for a brighter future. Deep in meditation I asked if she had a communication for us. The reply: “Stop polluting”, I asked do you mean the air and water. No, I mean “Stop Polluting Thoughts” I do believe thoughts become things… choose the good ones! Bright Blessing, Mary